Science Breakthrough! (Really?) Consumer Introduction To Assessing Scientific Studies
PLEASE NOTE: A more technical version of this article, intended for professionals in the field, can be found at this link. In addition, these are both works in progress with additional text, videos and images to be added as appropriate. Is that sensational scientific study really so important that you have to change your life? […]

The Hidden Hitches In Dry January/Mediterranean Diet Plans
By Lewis PerdueChief Scientist and ChairmanCenter for Research on Environmental Chemicals in HumansThis article is copyright 2024. Please Email the author if you wish to republish this entire article. Updated, January 15, 2024 THE BIG PICTURE — A Dry January or Mediterranean Diet can be a useful exercises for those who feel they have need […]
Revised Protocol: UCSF IRB/CHR Number: 15-17703: Approved by IRB/CHR, November 14, 2018 (html)
Revised Protocol: UCSF IRB/CHR Number: 15-17703 November 14, 2018 Approved by IRB/CHR Co-Principal Investigators: W. Lewis Perdue, Dr. Victor I. Reus MD Study Title: Clinical blood profile assays as biomarkers to directly assess potential health effects resulting from the controlled elimination of suspected dietary and environmental chemical toxins. This study is the first […]
2018 CLARITY study of BPA safety is substandard science & repeats previously fatal mistakes
See also:Flaws in design, execution and interpretation limit CLARITY‐BPA’s value for risk assessments of bisphenol A The draft of a new study by the FDA on the safety of Bisphenol A (BPA) is a glaring example of substandard federal regulatory science that continues to place public health at risk. The study is rife with amateurish […]
Micro- and Nanoplastics: Background
Microplastics are generally those fragments that are less than five millimeters in size. However, a single microplastic fragment rarely stays the same size. Whether found on dry land, in steams and oceans — or in your mouth as you chew, swallow and digest — natural and biological forces relentlessly reduce microplastics in size. Eventually, […]
Heat Shock Protein Hsp27 points to causal link between BPA and cancer & chemotherapy resistance
NOTE: This is a case study using a new precision paradigm on how to assess risks of environmental chemicals by reliance on the pharmaceutical development process and its science. More about that new paradigm at: Precision evaluation of environmental chemical risk assessment The development of a cancer’s resistance to chemotherapy has become a disheartening and […]
Precision evaluation of environmental chemical risk assessment: Using existing pharmaceutical evaluation results as a more accurate paradigm
The PharmBlocker: A new paradigm in assessing the risks of environmental chemicals PharmBlocker: An environmental chemical which acts on the identical cellular process as a pharmaceutical, but in a manner that decreases the effectiveness of the drug therapy. In plain words: If a substance is causal enough to investigate as a pharmaceutical, then it is […]
The Hallmarks of Cancer in a Nutshell
The “Hallmarks of Cancer” were described for the first time in 2008 (and updated in 2011), as the subject of a landmark paper written by research scientists Douglas Hanahan and Robert A. Weinberg and published in the prestigious scientific journal Cell. The 2008 “Hallmarks of Cancer” paper defined six rules of interlocking processes that fed […]
This is why you need to be concerned about tiny doses of environmental chemicals like BPA
NOTE: this article is extracted directly from: “Key UCSF Medical School Committee Approves Stealth Syndromes Study.” (Caution: 110 footnotes ahead) INTRODUCTION The human health effects of low-level concentrations of certain Chemicals of Emerging Concern (CECs) has stirred immense controversy between traditional toxicologists and a more recent, emerging body of scientists grounded in […]
Key UCSF Medical School Committee Approves Stealth Syndromes Study
The Committee on Human Research (CHR) at the University of San Francisco Medical School has approved the Stealth Syndromes experimental protocol. This study approves Stealth Syndromes co-founder Lewis Perdue’s protocol to determine if standard clinical blood tests can be used to detect physiological changes that may be caused by the absorption of environmental chemicals, including […]